Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is a two-way street. It is an exchange between a guide and a traveller. Even guides learn new things about the land they inhabit if they are truly open to inquiries. My goal as an educator is to empower my students while challenging them. I aim to provoke wonder and excitement by celebrating small successes, and asking my students to use newly learned concepts and techniques to paint a bigger picture for themselves. Art is a gift, and I feel called to introduce others to their own creative powers.

Music designed for dance exercises

Music designed for dance exercises

Dance Class Musician Rates


(Note: Performance rates are separate, and negotiated differently)

I am a lover of dance and educational environments. Accompanying dance classes appeals to my sense of service and collaboration.

Teaching dance class with a live musician can bring the class to a different level. You get more of your focus for your students, and the class gets an extra zap of unique energy. I create a custom template for each instructor, and can accompany in a variety of styles and voicings. Fill out the contact form to schedule our class together.

Music Teaching Rates

 Learn bass, drums, guitar, piano, ukelele, violin, or voice in a style that suits you. 

1-hour session
in studio

$50 for 1 
$180 for package of 4 
(10% discount)

Group rate:

$50 for first student,
1/2 off each additional

1-hour session
house call

$60 for 1 
$215 for package of 4
(10% discount)

Group rate:

$60 for first student,
1/2 off each additional

*Studio located in Madison Valley

Rock School

Click the image to learn more about Rock School

Click the image to learn more about Rock School

I help direct a music camp geared at teaching youth a 360-degree approach to music making. They learn about composition, arrangement, rehearsal, studio recording, live sound, performance, promotion, and art.

Over my past three years at Rock School, I have taught beginning and intermediate guitar, bass, drums, composition, vocals, and band art. I provide press and concert photographs, so they finish camp with recorded materials, as well as professional quality promotional assets.

Online Music Lab

Click this image to visit Online Music Lab

Click this image to visit Online Music Lab

A long time tour mate and collaborator of mine had a vision to create an online music school. It was born from a shared desire to help people improve their lives through learning music. I created graphics, user interface elements, instructional materials, and a series of guitar and songwriting tutorials for the site. All of the instructors are active artists in my home city, Denver.